import './main.css'; const P = { props: { polygons: { // 实体 type: Array, default: () => [] } }, computed: { polygonsComputed: { get() { return this.viewer ? => { let i; switch ( { case "[object String]": i = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(t.color); break; case "[object Array]": i = new Cesium.StripeMaterialProperty({ evenColor: Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(t.color[0]), oddColor: Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(t.color[1]), repeat: 32, offset: 20, orientation: Cesium.StripeOrientation[t.color[2]] }); break; } const o = new Cesium.Entity({ id:, name:, description: t.description, polygon: { hierarchy: { positions: t.positions }, material: i } }); return Object.entries([r, n]) => { o.addProperty(r), o[r] = n; }), o; }) : []; }, set(t) { this.$emit("update:polygons", t); } } }, data() { return { handlerPoint: {} }; }, watch: { polygonsComputed: { handler: function(t) { this.viewer && t.forEach((i, e) => { try { const o = this.viewer.entities.getById(; o ? (this.viewer.entities.remove(o), this.viewer.entities.add(i)) : this.viewer.entities.add(i); } catch (o) { console.error(o); } }); } } }, methods: { draw(t = 3) { return new Promise((i, e) => { if (!this.viewer) return e("view未就绪"); const o = (n) => { this.$emit("active", n); }, r = { 1: Cesium.DrawMode.Point, 2: Cesium.DrawMode.Line, 3: Cesium.DrawMode.Polygon, 4: Cesium.RasterGeometryType.POLYLINE, 5: Cesium.RasterGeometryType.POLYGON, 6: Cesium.DrawMode.Marker }; this.handlerPoint = new Cesium.DrawHandler(this.viewer, r[t]), this.handlerPoint.activeEvt.addEventListener(o), this.handlerPoint.drawEvt.addEventListener((n) => i(n)), this.handlerPoint.activate(); }); }, cancelDraw() { this.handlerPoint && ( = !1, = !1, this.handlerPoint.clear(), this.handlerPoint.deactivate()); } } }, B = { props: { coordinate: Object }, watch: { viewer: function(t) { t && ( = !0, t.scene.lightSource.ambientLightColor = new Cesium.Color(0.76, 0.76, 0.76, 1)); }, coordinate: function(t) { this.viewer &&{ destination: new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(t.lng,, t.height), orientation: { heading: t.heading, pitch: t.pitch, roll: t.roll }, duration: 5 }); } } }, I = { props: { tianditu: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, // 需要配合tiandituToken 使用 tiandituCIA: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, // 需要配合tiandituToken 使用 tiandituToken: { type: String, default: "4a00a1dc5387b8ed8adba3374bd87e5e" } }, watch: { viewer: function(t) { t && this.tianditu && (this.initTdt(t), this.tiandituCIA && this.initTdtCIA(t)); } }, methods: { initTdt({ imageryLayers: t }) { const i = new Cesium.TiandituImageryProvider({ token: this.tiandituToken, packingRequest: 1 }); t.addImageryProvider(i); }, initTdtCIA({ imageryLayers: t }) { var i = new Cesium.TiandituImageryProvider({ mapStyle: Cesium.TiandituMapsStyle.CIA_C, //天地图全球中文注记服务(经纬度投影) token: this.tiandituToken, packingRequest: 1 }); t.addImageryProvider(i); } } }, M = { data() { return { layers: [], propstyle: {} }; }, methods: { color(t) { return (...i) => new Cesium.Color[t](...i); }, do(t) { return (...i) => { this.layers.forEach((e) => { e[t](...i); }); }; }, entitieCall(t) { if (!this.viewer) { console.log("未就绪"); return; } return (...i) => this.viewer.entities[t](...i); } } }, C = { props: { sceneInfos: { type: Array } // {id:'',layerUrl:'',dataUrl:''} }, data() { return { scenes: [], otherInfo: {}, layers: [] }; }, watch: { viewer: function(t) { t && this.sceneInfos && this.sceneInfos.length != 0 && (this.beforeInit(t, this.sceneInfos), this.init(t, this.sceneInfos), this.action(t)); }, sceneInfos: function(t) { this.viewer && t && t.length != 0 && (this.beforeInit(this.viewer, t), this.init(this.viewer, t), this.action(this.viewer)); }, otherInfo: function(t) { this.viewer && this.action(this.viewer); } }, methods: { beforeInit({ scene: t }, i) { i.forEach((e) => { e.pickHandle = (o) => { this.$emit("pick", { feature: o }); }, e.promise =, e.sceneName); }); }, action({ scene: t }) { const i = (o) => { let r = t.pick(o.position), n; Cesium.defined(r) && (n = this.otherInfo[]), this.$emit("action", { ...o, pick: r, data: n }); }; new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(t.canvas).setInputAction(i, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK); }, init({ scene: t, pickEvent: i }, e) { const o = ({ pickColor: n, pickHandle: a, dataUrl: l, id: s }, d) => { const h = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(n || "rgba(23,92,239,0.5)"), m = []; d.forEach((c) => { c.selectedColor = h; const u ="@"), f = t.layers.find(; f.setQueryParameter({ url: l, dataSourceName: u[1], dataSetName: u[0], isMerge: !0 }), m.push(f.datasetInfo()); }), Cesium.when.all(m, (c) => { console.log("图层信息", c), this.$emit("dataInfo", { id: s, datas: c }); }), this.layers = d, i.addEventListener(a), this.$emit("init"); }, r = (n) => { console.log("准备打开", n), Cesium.when( n.promise, (a) => { console.log("该场景图层", a), n.dataUrl && o(n, a); }, function(a) { this.$emit("error", a); } ); }; try { e.forEach(r); } catch (n) { this.$emit("error", n); } } } }, p = (t, i) => { let e, o = {}; try { => { if (r.className === i) throw e = r, o; }); } catch (r) { if (r !== o) throw r; } return e; }, x = (t, i) => { var e = []; e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "本地图片", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingAerial.png`, tooltip: "本地图片", creationFunction: () => new t.SingleTileImageryProvider({ url: `${i}Assets/Textures/GlobalBkLayer.jpg` }) }) ), t.defined(t.SuperMapImageryProvider) ? (e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "天地图全球影像地图服务", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingAerial.png`, tooltip: "天地图全球影像地图服务", creationFunction: () => new t.TiandituImageryProvider({ credit: new t.Credit( `天地图全球影像地图服务 数据来源:国家地理信息公共服务平台 & 四川省测绘地理信息局` ) }) }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "天地图全球矢量地图服务", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingAerial.png`, tooltip: "天地图全球矢量地图服务", creationFunction: () => new t.TiandituImageryProvider({ credit: new t.Credit( `天地图全球矢量地图服务 数据来源:国家地理信息公共服务平台 & 四川省测绘地理信息局` ), mapStyle: t.TiandituMapsStyle.VEC_C }) }) )) : e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "天地图全球影像服务", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingAerial.png`, tooltip: "全球天地图影像服务", creationFunction: () => new t.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({ url: "{TileMatrix}&layer=img&style={style}&tilerow={TileRow}&tilecol={TileCol}&tilematrixset={TileMatrixSet}&format=tiles", layer: "img", style: "default", format: "tiles", tileMatrixSetID: "c", credit: new t.Credit( `天地图全球影像服务。 数据来源:国家地理信息公共服务平台 & 四川省测绘地理信息局` ), subdomains: ["t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6", "t7"], maximumLevel: 20, tilingScheme: new t.GeographicTilingScheme(), tileMatrixLabels: [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19" ] }) }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "高德影像", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingAerial.png`, tooltip: "高德影像", creationFunction: function() { return b(t); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "高德矢量", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingAerial.png`, tooltip: "高德矢量", creationFunction: function() { return b(t, { url: "{x}&y={y}&z={z}" }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "百度地图服务", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingAerial.png`, tooltip: "百度地图服务", creationFunction: function() { return new o(); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "Bing Maps Aerial", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingAerial.png`, tooltip: `Bing Maps aerial imagery`, creationFunction: function() { return new t.BingMapsImageryProvider({ url: "", mapStyle: t.BingMapsStyle.AERIAL }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "Bing Maps Aerial with Labels", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingAerialLabels.png`, tooltip: `Bing Maps aerial imagery with label overlays`, creationFunction: function() { return new t.BingMapsImageryProvider({ url: "", mapStyle: t.BingMapsStyle.AERIAL_WITH_LABELS }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "Bing Maps Roads", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/bingRoads.png`, tooltip: `Bing Maps standard road maps`, creationFunction: function() { return new t.BingMapsImageryProvider({ url: "", mapStyle: t.BingMapsStyle.ROAD }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "Mapbox Satellite", tooltip: "Mapbox satellite imagery", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/mapboxSatellite.png`, creationFunction: function() { return new t.MapboxImageryProvider({ mapId: "mapbox.satellite" }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "Mapbox Streets", tooltip: "Mapbox streets imagery", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/mapboxTerrain.png`, creationFunction: function() { return new t.MapboxImageryProvider({ mapId: "mapbox.streets" }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "ESRI World Imagery", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/esriWorldImagery.png`, tooltip: `World Imagery provides one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes NASA Blue Marble: Next Generation 500m resolution imagery at small scales (above 1:1,000,000), i-cubed 15m eSAT imagery at medium-to-large scales (down to 1:70,000) for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for Antarctica. The map features 0.3m resolution imagery in the continental United States and 0.6m resolution imagery in parts of Western Europe from DigitalGlobe. In other parts of the world, 1 meter resolution imagery is available from GeoEye IKONOS, i-cubed Nationwide Prime, Getmapping, AeroGRID, IGN Spain, and IGP Portugal. Additionally, imagery at different resolutions has been contributed by the GIS User Community.`, creationFunction: function() { return new t.ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider({ url: "", enablePickFeatures: !1 }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "ESRI World Street Map", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/esriWorldStreetMap.png`, tooltip: `This worldwide street map presents highway-level data for the world. Street-level data includes the United States; much of Canada; Japan; most countries in Europe; Australia and New Zealand; India; parts of South America including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Venezuela; Ghana; and parts of southern Africa including Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland.`, creationFunction: function() { return new t.ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider({ url: "", enablePickFeatures: !1 }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "ESRI National Geographic", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/esriNationalGeographic.png`, tooltip: `This web map contains the National Geographic World Map service. This map service is designed to be used as a general reference map for informational and educational purposes as well as a basemap by GIS professionals and other users for creating web maps and web mapping applications.`, creationFunction: function() { return new t.ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider({ url: "", enablePickFeatures: !1 }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "Open­Street­Map", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/openStreetMap.png`, tooltip: `OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world.`, creationFunction: function() { return t.createOpenStreetMapImageryProvider({ url: "" }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "Stamen Watercolor", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/stamenWatercolor.png`, tooltip: `Reminiscent of hand drawn maps, Stamen watercolor maps apply raster effect area washes and organic edges over a paper texture to add warm pop to any map.`, creationFunction: function() { return t.createOpenStreetMapImageryProvider({ url: "", credit: "Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA." }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "Stamen Toner", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/stamenToner.png`, tooltip: `A high contrast black and white map.`, creationFunction: function() { return t.createOpenStreetMapImageryProvider({ url: "", credit: "Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA." }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "The Black Marble", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/blackMarble.png`, tooltip: "The lights of cities and villages trace the outlines of civilization in this global view of the Earth at night as seen by NASA/NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite.", creationFunction: function() { return t.createTileMapServiceImageryProvider({ url: "", flipXY: !0, credit: "Black Marble imagery courtesy NASA Earth Observatory" }); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "Natural Earth II", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/ImageryProviders/naturalEarthII.png`, tooltip: `Natural Earth II, darkened for contrast.`, creationFunction: function() { return t.createTileMapServiceImageryProvider({ url: `${i}Assets/Textures/NaturalEarthII` }); } }) ); function o(n) { this._url = "", this._tileWidth = 256, this._tileHeight = 256, this._maximumLevel = 18; var a = new t.Cartesian2(-25165824, -25165824), l = new t.Cartesian2(25165824, 25165824); this._tilingScheme = new t.WebMercatorTilingScheme({ rectangleSouthwestInMeters: a, rectangleNortheastInMeters: l }), this._credit = void 0, this._rectangle = this._tilingScheme.rectangle, this._ready = !0; } function r(n, a, l, s) { var d = n._url + "&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}", h = n._tilingScheme.getNumberOfXTilesAtLevel(s), m = n._tilingScheme.getNumberOfYTilesAtLevel(s); return d = d.replace("{x}", a - h / 2).replace("{y}", m / 2 - l).replace("{z}", s), d; } return t.defineProperties(o.prototype, { url: { get: function() { return this._url; } }, token: { get: function() { return this._token; } }, proxy: { get: function() { return this._proxy; } }, tileWidth: { get: function() { if (!this._ready) throw new t.DeveloperError( "tileWidth must not be called before the imagery provider is ready." ); return this._tileWidth; } }, tileHeight: { get: function() { if (!this._ready) throw new t.DeveloperError( "tileHeight must not be called before the imagery provider is ready." ); return this._tileHeight; } }, maximumLevel: { get: function() { if (!this._ready) throw new t.DeveloperError( "maximumLevel must not be called before the imagery provider is ready." ); return this._maximumLevel; } }, minimumLevel: { get: function() { if (!this._ready) throw new t.DeveloperError( "minimumLevel must not be called before the imagery provider is ready." ); return 0; } }, tilingScheme: { get: function() { if (!this._ready) throw new t.DeveloperError( "tilingScheme must not be called before the imagery provider is ready." ); return this._tilingScheme; } }, rectangle: { get: function() { if (!this._ready) throw new t.DeveloperError( "rectangle must not be called before the imagery provider is ready." ); return this._rectangle; } }, tileDiscardPolicy: { get: function() { if (!this._ready) throw new t.DeveloperError( "tileDiscardPolicy must not be called before the imagery provider is ready." ); return this._tileDiscardPolicy; } }, errorEvent: { get: function() { return this._errorEvent; } }, ready: { get: function() { return this._ready; } }, readyPromise: { get: function() { return this._readyPromise.promise; } }, credit: { get: function() { return this._credit; } }, usingPrecachedTiles: { get: function() { return this._useTiles; } }, hasAlphaChannel: { get: function() { return !0; } }, layers: { get: function() { return this._layers; } } }), o.prototype.getTileCredits = function(n, a, l) { }, o.prototype.requestImage = function(n, a, l) { if (!this._ready) throw new t.DeveloperError( "requestImage must not be called before the imagery provider is ready." ); var s = r(this, n, a, l); return t.ImageryProvider.loadImage(this, s); }, e; }, S = (t, i) => { var e = []; return e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "WGS84 Ellipsoid", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/TerrainProviders/Ellipsoid.png`, tooltip: "WGS84 standard ellipsoid, also known as EPSG:4326", creationFunction: function() { return new t.EllipsoidTerrainProvider(); } }) ), e.push( new t.ProviderViewModel({ name: "STK World Terrain meshes", iconUrl: `${i}Widgets/Images/TerrainProviders/STK.png`, tooltip: `High-resolution, mesh-based terrain for the entire globe. Free for use on the Internet. Closed-network options are available.`, creationFunction: function() { return new t.CesiumTerrainProvider({ url: "", requestWaterMask: !0, requestVertexNormals: !0 }); } }) ), e; }; function b(t, i) { i = t.defaultValue(i, {}); var e = t.defaultValue( i.url, "{x}&y={y}&z={z}" ), o = new t.Credit("AMap"), r = new t.WebMercatorTilingScheme({ ellipsoid: i.ellipsoid }), n = 256, a = 256, l = t.defaultValue(i.minimumLevel, 0), s = t.defaultValue(i.minimumLevel, 18), d = t.defaultValue(i.rectangle, r.rectangle), h = r.positionToTileXY( t.Rectangle.southwest(d), l ), m = r.positionToTileXY( t.Rectangle.northeast(d), l ), c = (Math.abs(m.x - h.x) + 1) * (Math.abs(m.y - h.y) + 1); if (c > 4) throw new t.DeveloperError( "The rectangle and minimumLevel indicate that there are " + c + " tiles at the minimum level. Imagery providers with more than four tiles at the minimum level are not supported." ); var u = t.defaultValue(, o); return typeof u == "string" && (u = new t.Credit(u)), new t.UrlTemplateImageryProvider({ url: e, proxy: i.proxy, credit: u, tilingScheme: r, tileWidth: n, tileHeight: a, minimumLevel: l, maximumLevel: s, rectangle: d }); } function v(t, i, e, o, r, n, a, l) { var s = typeof t == "function" ? t.options : t; i && (s.render = i, s.staticRenderFns = e, s._compiled = !0), o && (s.functional = !0), n && (s._scopeId = "data-v-" + n); var d; if (a ? (d = function(c) { c = c || // cached call this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || // stateful this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext, !c && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ < "u" && (c = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), r &&, c), c && c._registeredComponents && c._registeredComponents.add(a); }, s._ssrRegister = d) : r && (d = l ? function() { this, (s.functional ? this.parent : this).$root.$options.shadowRoot ); } : r), d) if (s.functional) { s._injectStyles = d; var h = s.render; s.render = function(u, f) { return, h(u, f); }; } else { var m = s.beforeCreate; s.beforeCreate = m ? [].concat(m, d) : [d]; } return { exports: t, options: s }; } const k = { name: "sm-bim", props: { container: { type: String, default: "cesiumContainer" }, cesiumPath: { type: String }, animation: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, baseLayerPicker: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, fullscreenButton: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, vrButton: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, geocoder: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, homeButton: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, infoBox: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, sceneModePicker: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, selectionIndicator: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, timeline: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, navigationHelpButton: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, scene3DOnly: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, shouldAnimate: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, clockViewModel: { type: Object }, selectedImageryProviderViewModel: { type: Object }, imageryProviderViewModels: { type: Object }, selectedTerrainProviderViewModel: { type: Object }, terrainProviderViewModels: { type: Object }, imageryProvider: { type: Object }, terrainProvider: { type: Object }, skyBox: { type: Object }, skyAtmosphere: { type: Object }, fullscreenElement: { type: String }, useDefaultRenderLoop: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, targetFrameRate: { type: Number }, showRenderLoopErrors: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, automaticallyTrackDataSourceClocks: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, contextOptions: { type: Object }, sceneMode: { type: Number, default: 3 }, mapProjection: { type: Object }, globe: { type: Object }, orderIndependentTranslucency: { type: Boolean, default: !0 }, creditContainer: { type: String }, creditViewport: { type: String }, dataSources: { type: Object }, terrainExaggeration: { type: Number, default: 1 }, shadows: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, terrainShadows: { type: Number // default: Cesium.ShadowMode.RECEIVE_ONLY }, mapMode2D: { type: Number // default: Cesium.MapMode2D.INFINITE_SCROLL }, projectionPicker: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, requestRenderMode: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, maximumRenderTimeChange: { type: Number, default: 0 }, navigation: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, camera: { type: Object } }, watch: { selectionIndicator(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, viewerContainer: o } = this; if (i.defined(e.selectionIndicator) && !e.selectionIndicator.isDestroyed() && !t) { e.selectionIndicator.destroy(), e._selectionIndicator = void 0; let r = p(o.children, "cesium-viewer-selectionIndicatorContainer"); o.removeChild(r); } else if (!i.defined(e.selectionIndicator) || e.selectionIndicator.isDestroyed()) { let r = document.createElement("div"); r.className = "cesium-viewer-selectionIndicatorContainer", o.appendChild(r); let n = new i.SelectionIndicator(r, e.scene); e._selectionIndicator = n; } }, infoBox(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, viewerContainer: o, resizeControl: r } = this; if (i.defined(e.infoBox) && !e.infoBox.isDestroyed() && !t) { e.infoBox.destroy(), e._infoBox = void 0; let n = p(o.children, "cesium-viewer-infoBoxContainer"); o.removeChild(n); } else if (!i.defined(e.infoBox) || e.infoBox.isDestroyed()) { let n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "cesium-viewer-infoBoxContainer", o.appendChild(n); let a = new i.InfoBox(n), l = a.viewModel; e._eventHelper.add(l.cameraClicked, e._onInfoBoxCameraClicked, e), e._eventHelper.add(l.closeClicked, e._onInfoBoxClockClicked, e), e._infoBox = a, r(); } }, geocoder(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, resizeToolbar: o } = this; let r = p(e.container.firstChild.children, "cesium-viewer-toolbar"); if (i.defined(e.geocoder) && !e.geocoder.isDestroyed() && !t) { e.geocoder.destroy(), e._geocoder = void 0; let n = p(r.children, "cesium-viewer-geocoderContainer"); r.removeChild(n); } else if (!i.defined(e.geocoder) || e.geocoder.isDestroyed()) { let n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "cesium-viewer-geocoderContainer", r.appendChild(n); let a = new i.Geocoder({ container: n, geocoderServices: i.defined(this.geocoder) ? i.isArray(this.geocoder) ? this.geocoder : [this.geocoder] : void 0, scene: e.scene, viewer: e }); e._eventHelper.add(, e._clearObjects, e), e._geocoder = a, o(r, n); } }, homeButton(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, resizeToolbar: o } = this; let r = p(e.container.firstChild.children, "cesium-viewer-toolbar"); if (i.defined(e.homeButton) && !e.homeButton.isDestroyed() && !t) e.homeButton.destroy(), e._homeButton = void 0; else if (!i.defined(e.homeButton) || e.homeButton.isDestroyed()) { let n = new i.HomeButton(r, e.scene); i.defined(e.geocoder) && e._eventHelper.add(n.viewModel.command.afterExecute, function() { var a = e.geocoder.viewModel; a.searchText = "", a.isSearchInProgress &&; }), e._eventHelper.add(n.viewModel.command.beforeExecute, e._clearTrackedObject, e), e._homeButton = n, o(r, n); } }, sceneModePicker(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, resizeToolbar: o } = this; let r = p(e.container.firstChild.children, "cesium-viewer-toolbar"); if (i.defined(e.sceneModePicker) && !e.sceneModePicker.isDestroyed() && !t) e.sceneModePicker.destroy(), e._sceneModePicker = void 0; else if (!i.defined(e.sceneModePicker) || e.sceneModePicker.isDestroyed()) { if (this.sceneModePicker === !0 && this.scene3DOnly) throw new i.DeveloperError("options.sceneModePicker is not available when options.scene3DOnly is set to true."); if (!this.scene3DOnly && this.sceneModePicker === !0) { let n = new i.SceneModePicker(r, e.scene); e._sceneModePicker = n, o(r, n); } } }, projectionPicker(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, resizeToolbar: o } = this; let r = p(e.container.firstChild.children, "cesium-viewer-toolbar"); if (i.defined(e.projectionPicker) && !e.projectionPicker.isDestroyed() && !t) e.projectionPicker.destroy(), e._projectionPicker = void 0; else if (!i.defined(e.projectionPicker) || e.projectionPicker.isDestroyed()) { let n = new i.ProjectionPicker(r, e.scene); e._projectionPicker = n, o(r, n); } }, baseLayerPicker(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, resizeToolbar: o } = this; let r = p(e.container.firstChild.children, "cesium-viewer-toolbar"); if (i.defined(e.baseLayerPicker) && !e.baseLayerPicker.isDestroyed() && !t) { e.baseLayerPicker.destroy(), e._baseLayerPicker = void 0, e.imageryLayers.removeAll(); let a = this.cesiumPath || this.$Cesium().cesiumPath; a.charAt(a.length - 1) !== "/" && (a = a + "/"), e.imageryLayers.add( new i.ImageryLayer( new i.SingleTileImageryProvider({ url: `${a}Assets/Textures/GlobalBkLayer.jpg` }) ) ); } else if (!i.defined(e.baseLayerPicker) || e.baseLayerPicker.isDestroyed()) { let a = (!i.defined(e.globe) || this.globe !== !1) && (!i.defined(e.baseLayerPicker) || this.baseLayerPicker !== !1); if (a && i.defined(this.imageryProvider)) throw new i.DeveloperError(`options.imageryProvider is not available when using the BaseLayerPicker widget. Either specify options.selectedImageryProviderViewModel instead or set options.baseLayerPicker to false.`); if (!a && i.defined(this.selectedImageryProviderViewModel)) throw new i.DeveloperError(`options.selectedImageryProviderViewModel is not available when not using the BaseLayerPicker widget. Either specify options.imageryProvider instead or set options.baseLayerPicker to true.`); if (a && i.defined(this.terrainProvider)) throw new i.DeveloperError(`options.terrainProvider is not available when using the BaseLayerPicker widget. Either specify options.selectedTerrainProviderViewModel instead or set options.baseLayerPicker to false.`); if (!a && i.defined(this.selectedTerrainProviderViewModel)) throw new i.DeveloperError(`options.selectedTerrainProviderViewModel is not available when not using the BaseLayerPicker widget. Either specify options.terrainProvider instead or set options.baseLayerPicker to true.`); if (a) { e.imageryLayers.removeAll(); let l = this.cesiumPath || this.$Cesium().cesiumPath; l.charAt(l.length - 1) !== "/" && (l = l + "/"); let s = i.defaultValue(this.imageryProviderViewModels, x(i, l)), d = i.defaultValue(this.terrainProviderViewModels, S(i, l)), h = new i.BaseLayerPicker(r, { globe: e.scene.globe, imageryProviderViewModels: s, selectedImageryProviderViewModel: s[0], terrainProviderViewModels: d, selectedTerrainProviderViewModel: d[0] }); var n = r.getElementsByClassName("cesium-baseLayerPicker-dropDown"); let m = n[0]; e._baseLayerPickerDropDown = m, e._baseLayerPicker = h, o(r, h); } } }, navigationHelpButton(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, resizeToolbar: o } = this; let r = p(e.container.firstChild.children, "cesium-viewer-toolbar"); if (i.defined(e.navigationHelpButton) && !e.navigationHelpButton.isDestroyed() && !t) e.navigationHelpButton.destroy(), e._navigationHelpButton = void 0; else if (!i.defined(e.navigationHelpButton) || e.navigationHelpButton.isDestroyed()) { let a = !0; try { if (i.defined(window.localStorage)) { var n = window.localStorage.getItem("cesium-hasSeenNavHelp"); i.defined(n) && n ? a = !1 : window.localStorage.setItem("cesium-hasSeenNavHelp", "true"); } } catch { } let l = new i.NavigationHelpButton({ container: r, instructionsInitiallyVisible: i.defaultValue(this.navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible, a) }); e._navigationHelpButton = l, o(r, l); } }, animation(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, viewerContainer: o, resizeControl: r } = this; if (i.defined(e.animation) && !e.animation.isDestroyed() && !t) { e.animation.destroy(); let l = p(o.children, "cesium-viewer-animationContainer"); o.removeChild(l), e._animation = void 0, r(); } else if (!i.defined(e.animation) || e.animation.isDestroyed()) { let l = document.createElement("div"); l.className = "cesium-viewer-animationContainer", this.viewerContainer.appendChild(l); let s = new i.Animation(l, new i.AnimationViewModel(e.clockViewModel)); var n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), a = 0 - n.getTimezoneOffset(); s.viewModel.timeFormatter = function(d, h) { var m = i.JulianDate.addMinutes(d, a, new i.JulianDate()), c = i.JulianDate.toGregorianDate(m), u = Math.round(c.millisecond); return Math.abs(h._clockViewModel.multiplier) < 1 ? i.sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", c.hour, c.minute, c.second, u) : i.sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d GMT+8", c.hour, c.minute, c.second); }, e._animation = s, r(); } }, timeline(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, viewerContainer: o, onTimelineScrubfunction: r, resizeControl: n } = this; if (i.defined(e.timeline) && !e.timeline.isDestroyed() && !t) { e.timeline.destroy(), e._timeline = void 0; let a = p(o.children, "cesium-viewer-timelineContainer"); o.removeChild(a), n(); } else if (!i.defined(e.timeline) || e.timeline.isDestroyed()) { let a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "cesium-viewer-timelineContainer", o.appendChild(a); let l = new i.Timeline(a, e.clock); l.addEventListener("settime", r, !1), l.zoomTo(e.clock.startTime, e.clock.stopTime), e._timeline = l, n(); } }, fullscreenButton(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, viewerContainer: o, resizeControl: r } = this; if (i.defined(e.fullscreenButton) && !e.fullscreenButton.isDestroyed() && !t) { e.fullscreenButton.destroy(), e._fullscreenButton = void 0; let n = p(o.children, "cesium-viewer-fullscreenContainer"); o.removeChild(n), r(); } else if (!i.defined(e.fullscreenButton) || e.fullscreenButton.isDestroyed()) { let n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "cesium-viewer-fullscreenContainer", o.appendChild(n); let a = new i.FullscreenButton(n, document.body); e._fullscreenButton = a, r(); } }, "viewer.fullscreenButton.viewModel.isFullscreenEnabled"(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e } = this; if (e.fullscreenButton) { = t ? "block" : "none"; let o = 0; i.defined(e.vrButton) && ( = e.fullscreenButton.container.clientWidth + "px", o += e.fullscreenButton.container.clientWidth), i.defined(e.timeline) && ( = o + e.fullscreenButton.container.clientWidth + "px", e.timeline.resize()); } else i.defined(e.vrButton) && ( = "0px"); }, vrButton(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, viewerContainer: o, resizeControl: r, enableVRUI: n } = this; if (i.defined(e.vrButton) && !e.vrButton.isDestroyed() && !t) { e.vrButton.destroy(), e._vrButton = void 0; let a = p(o.children, "cesium-viewer-vrContainer"); o.removeChild(a), r(); } else if (!i.defined(e.vrButton) || e.vrButton.isDestroyed()) { let a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "cesium-viewer-vrContainer", o.appendChild(a); let l = new i.VRButton(a, e.scene, document.body), s = l.viewModel._command; l.viewModel._command = function(d) { s(), n(e, d.isVRMode); }, e._vrButton = l, r(); } }, "viewer.vrButton.viewModel.isVREnabled"(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e } = this; if (e.vrButton) { = t ? "block" : "none"; let o = 0; i.defined(e.fullscreenButton) && ( = e.fullscreenButton.container.clientWidth + "px", o += e.fullscreenButton.container.clientWidth), i.defined(e.timeline) && ( = o + e.vrButton.container.clientWidth + "px", e.timeline.resize()); } }, navigation(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e, viewerContainer: o, resizeControl: r } = this; if (i.defined(e.navigation) && !t) { e.navigation.viewModel.eventHelper.removeAll(), i.destroyObject(e.navigation.viewModel), e._navigation = void 0; let n = p(o.children, "cesium-viewer-navigationContainer"); o.removeChild(n); } else if (!i.defined(e.navigation)) { let n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "cesium-viewer-navigationContainer", o.appendChild(n); let a = new i.Navigation({ container: n, viewer: e, scene: e.scene }); e._navigation = a, r(); } }, sceneMode(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e } = this; (i.SceneMode.COLUMBUS_VIEW === t || i.SceneMode.MORPHING === t || i.SceneMode.SCENE2D === t || i.SceneMode.SCENE3D === t) && (e.scene.mode = t); }, shouldAnimate(t) { const { viewer: i } = this; i.clock.shouldAnimate = t; }, terrainExaggeration(t) { const { viewer: i } = this; i.scene._terrainExaggeration = t; }, shadows(t) { const { viewer: i } = this; i.scene.shadowMap.enabled = t; }, camera: { handler(t) { const { Cesium: i, viewer: e } = this;{ destination: i.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(t.position.longitude, t.position.latitude, t.position.height), orientation: { heading: i.Math.toRadians(t.heading), pitch: i.Math.toRadians(t.pitch), roll: i.Math.toRadians(t.roll) } }); }, deep: !0 }, "viewer.imageryLayers"(t) { } }, methods: { onTimelineScrubfunction(t) { let i = t.clock; i.currentTime = t.timeJulian, i.shouldAnimate = !1; }, resizeToolbar(t, i) { => { switch (r.className) { case "cesium-viewer-geocoderContainer": r.customIndex = 1; break; case "cesium-button cesium-toolbar-button cesium-home-button": r.customIndex = 2; break; case "cesium-sceneModePicker-wrapper cesium-toolbar-button": r.customIndex = 3; break; case "cesium-projectionPicker-wrapper cesium-toolbar-button": r.customIndex = 4; break; case "cesium-button cesium-toolbar-button": case "cesium-baseLayerPicker-dropDown": r.customIndex = 5; break; case "cesium-navigationHelpButton-wrapper": r.customIndex = 6; break; } }); let e = []; => { e.push(r); }), e.sort(function(r, n) { return r.customIndex - n.customIndex; }); for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o++) t.appendChild(e[o]); }, resizeControl() { const { Cesium: t, viewer: i, viewerContainer: e } = this; let o = t.defined(i._animation), r = t.defined(i._timeline), n = i._timeline, a = e.clientWidth; var l = e.clientHeight; let s, d = 0, h = 0, m = 0; if (o && window.getComputedStyle(i._animation.container).visibility !== "hidden") { var c = this._lastWidth; s = i._animation.container, a > 900 ? (d = 169, c <= 900 && ( = "169px", = "112px", i._animation.resize())) : a >= 600 ? (d = 136, (c < 600 || c > 900) && ( = "136px", = "90px", i._animation.resize())) : (d = 106, (c > 600 || c === 0) && ( = "106px", = "70px", i._animation.resize())), h = d + 5; } if (r && window.getComputedStyle(i._timeline.container).visibility !== "hidden") { let f = i._fullscreenButton, y = i._vrButton, w = n.container, g =; m = w.clientHeight + 3, g.left = d + "px"; var u = 0; t.defined(i.fullscreenButton) && (u += f.container.clientWidth), t.defined(y) && (u += y.container.clientWidth), g.right = u + "px", n.resize(); } if (t.defined(i.navigation)) { let f = p(i.container.firstChild.children, "cesium-viewer-toolbar"), y = p(e.children, "cesium-viewer-navigationContainer"); = f.clientHeight + "px", t.defined(i.infoBox) && ( = y.clientWidth + "px"); } = h + "px", = m + "px", this._lastWidth = a, this._lastHeight = l; }, enableVRUI(t, i) { const { Cesium: e } = this; let o = t._geocoder, r = t._homeButton, n = t._sceneModePicker, a = t._projectionPicker, l = t._baseLayerPicker, s = t._animation, d = t._timeline, h = t._fullscreenButton, m = t._infoBox, c = t._selectionIndicator, u = i ? "hidden" : "visible"; if (e.defined(o) && ( = u), e.defined(r) && ( = u), e.defined(n) && ( = u), e.defined(a) && ( = u), e.defined(l) && ( = u), e.defined(s) && ( = u), e.defined(d) && ( = u), e.defined(h) && h.viewModel.isFullscreenEnabled && ( = u), e.defined(m) && ( = u), e.defined(c) && ( = u), t._container) { var f = i || !e.defined(h) ? 0 : h.container.clientWidth; = f + "px", t.forceResize(); } }, init(t) { if (this.viewer) return; let i = this.$refs.viewer; const e = new t.Viewer(i, { animation: this.animation, baseLayerPicker: this.baseLayerPicker, fullscreenButton: this.fullscreenButton, vrButton: this.vrButton, geocoder: this.geocoder, homeButton: this.homeButton, infoBox: this.infoBox, sceneModePicker: this.sceneModePicker, selectionIndicator: this.selectionIndicator, timeline: this.timeline, navigationHelpButton: this.navigationHelpButton, navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible: this.navigationInstructionsInitiallyVisible, scene3DOnly: this.scene3DOnly, shouldAnimate: this.shouldAnimate, clockViewModel: this.clockViewModel, selectedImageryProviderViewModel: this.selectedImageryProviderViewModel, imageryProviderViewModels: this.imageryProviderViewModels, selectedTerrainProviderViewModel: this.selectedTerrainProviderViewModel, terrainProviderViewModels: this.terrainProviderViewModels, imageryProvider: this.imageryProvider, terrainProvider: this.terrainProvider, skyBox: this.skyBox, skyAtmosphere: this.skyAtmosphere, fullscreenElement: this.fullscreenElement, useDefaultRenderLoop: this.useDefaultRenderLoop, targetFrameRate: this.targetFrameRate, showRenderLoopErrors: this.showRenderLoopErrors, automaticallyTrackDataSourceClocks: this.automaticallyTrackDataSourceClocks, contextOptions: this.contextOptions, sceneMode: this.sceneMode, mapProjection: this.mapProjection, globe: this.globe, orderIndependentTranslucency: this.orderIndependentTranslucency, creditContainer: this.creditContainer, creditViewport: this.creditViewport, dataSources: this.dataSources, terrainExaggeration: this.terrainExaggeration, shadows: this.shadows, terrainShadows: this.terrainShadows, mapMode2D: this.mapMode2D, projectionPicker: this.projectionPicker, requestRenderMode: this.requestRenderMode, maximumRenderTimeChange: this.maximumRenderTimeChange, navigation: this.navigation }); if (this.viewer = e, t.defined( &&{ destination: t.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(,,, orientation: { heading: t.Math.toRadians(, pitch: t.Math.toRadians(, roll: t.Math.toRadians( } }), t.defined(e.animation)) { var o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), r = 0 - o.getTimezoneOffset(); e.animation.viewModel.timeFormatter = function(n, a) { var l = t.JulianDate.addMinutes(n, r, new t.JulianDate()), s = t.JulianDate.toGregorianDate(l), d = Math.round(s.millisecond); return Math.abs(a._clockViewModel.multiplier) < 1 ? t.sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", s.hour, s.minute, s.second, d) : t.sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d GMT+8", s.hour, s.minute, s.second); }; } this.$emit("ready", { Cesium: t, viewer: e }), this.viewerContainer = this.$refs.viewer.firstChild, this.resizeControl(), window.someObject = this.someObject; }, initViewer(t) { this.Cesium = t, this.init(t); }, getCesiumScript() { if (window.Cesium) return window.Cesium._preloader ? window.Cesium._preloader : Promise.resolve(window.Cesium); { let t = this.cesiumPath || this.$Cesium().cesiumPath; return t.charAt(t.length - 1) !== "/" && (t = t + "/"), window.Cesium = {}, window.Cesium._preloader = new Promise((i, e) => { window._initCesium = function() { i(window.Cesium), window.Cesium._preloader = null, window._initCesium = null; }; const o = document.createElement("link"); o.rel = "stylesheet", window.document.head.appendChild(o), o.href = `${t}Widgets/widgets.css`; const r = document.createElement("script"); window.document.body.appendChild(r), r.src = `${t}Cesium.js`, r.onload = function() { window._initCesium(); }; const n = document.createElement("script"); window.document.body.appendChild(n), n.src = `${t}Workers/zlib.min.js`; }), window.Cesium._preloader; } }, reset() { const { getCesiumScript: t, initViewer: i } = this; t().then(i); } }, mounted() { this.reset(); }, beforeDestroy() { }, data() { return { viewer: null, viewerContainer: null }; } }; var D = function() { var i = this, e = i._self._c; return e("div", { ref: "viewer", staticStyle: { width: "100%", height: "100%", margin: "0", padding: "0", overflow: "hidden" }, attrs: { id: i.container } }, [i._t("default")], 2); }, T = [], V = /* @__PURE__ */ v( k, D, T, !1, null, null, null, null ); const _ = V.exports, E = { props: { customInfobox: { type: Boolean, default: !0 } }, watch: { customInfobox: function(t) { this.viewer && t && (viewer.customInfobox = this.$refs.infoBox); }, viewer: function(t) { t && (t.customInfobox = this.$refs.infoBox); } } }, A = { props: { cursor: { type: String } }, watch: { viewer: function(t) { if (!t) return; const { canvas: i } = t; = this.cursor; }, cursor: function(t) { if (!this.viewer) return; const { canvas: i } = this.viewer; = t; } } }; const L = { components: { SmBim: _ }, mixins: [C, I, P, B, M, E, A], props: { cesiumPath: { type: String, default: "/Cesium" }, width: { type: String, default: "100%" }, height: { type: String, default: "100%" } }, data() { return { viewer: void 0 }; }, provide() { return { viewer: () => this.viewer }; }, methods: { ready({ viewer: t }) { this.viewer = t; } } }; var $ = function() { var i = this, e = i._self._c; return e("div", { staticClass: "cc-bim" }, [e("SmBim", i._g(i._b({ attrs: { cesiumPath: i.cesiumPath }, on: { ready: i.ready } }, "SmBim", i.$attrs, !1), i.$listeners), [e("div", { ref: "infoBox", style: { position: "absolute", zIndex: 999 } }, [i.viewer ? i._t("infoBox") : i._e()], 2)]), i.viewer ? i._t("default") : i._e()], 2); }, W = [], O = /* @__PURE__ */ v( L, $, W, !1, null, null, null, null ); const R = O.exports; class N { constructor(i) { this._viewer = i.viewer, this.element = i.element, this.position = i.position, this.pixelOffset = i.pixelOffset || new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, 0), this._show = || !1, this.hideOnBehindGlobe = i.hideOnBehindGlobe || !1, this.scaleByDistance = i.scaleByDistance, this.translucencyByDistance = i.translucencyByDistance, this.distanceDisplayCondition = i.distanceDisplayCondition, this.scratch = new Cesium.Cartesian2(), this.RemoveCallback = function() { }, this.init(i); } init(i) { if (typeof i.element == "string" && (this.element = document.getElementById(i.element)), this.close(), !this._viewer) { console.log("PopupWindow :viewer is required!"); return; } = "left bottom 0px", this._viewer.container.appendChild(this.element), this.setViewer(), this.position && setTimeout(() => { this.setPosition(i.position); }, 500); } /** * 设置关联的cesium viewer * @param viewer */ setViewer() { let i = this; i.RemoveCallback = { i._show && i.update(); }); } /** * 获取关联的cesium viewer * @return {Cesium.Viewer} */ getViewer() { return this._viewer; } /** * 设置位置 * @param position{Array} */ setPosition(i) { let e = this; if (!i) { e.close(); return; } if (!e.getViewer()) return; let o = e.getViewer().scene.cartesianToCanvasCoordinates(i, e.scratch); if (Cesium.defined(o) && ( = o.y + e.pixelOffset.y + "px", = o.x + e.pixelOffset.x + "px",, e.hideOnBehindGlobe || e.distanceDisplayCondition || e.translucencyByDistance || e.scaleByDistance)) { let r = e.getViewer().camera.position, n = Cesium.Cartesian3.distance(r, i); if (e.hideOnBehindGlobe) { let a = e.getViewer().scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(r).height; a += e.getViewer().scene.globe.ellipsoid.maximumRadius, n > a ? = "none" : = "flex"; } if (e.distanceDisplayCondition) if (n < e.distanceDisplayCondition.near || n > e.distanceDisplayCondition.far) { = 0, = -1; return; } else = 1, = 999; if (e.translucencyByDistance) if (n < e.translucencyByDistance.near) = e.translucencyByDistance.nearValue; else if (n > e.translucencyByDistance.far) = e.translucencyByDistance.farValue; else { let a = e.translucencyByDistance.farValue - e.translucencyByDistance.nearValue, l = e.translucencyByDistance.far - e.translucencyByDistance.near, s = (n - e.translucencyByDistance.near) / l * a + e.translucencyByDistance.nearValue; = s; } if (e.scaleByDistance) if (n < e.scaleByDistance.near) { let a = e.scaleByDistance.nearValue; = `scale(${a}, ${a})`; } else if (n > e.scaleByDistance.far) { let a = e.scaleByDistance.farValue; = `scale(${a}, ${a})`; } else { let a = e.scaleByDistance.farValue - e.scaleByDistance.nearValue, l = e.scaleByDistance.far - e.scaleByDistance.near, s = (n - e.scaleByDistance.near) / l * a + e.scaleByDistance.nearValue; = `scale(${s}, ${s})`; } } e.position = i; } update() { this.setPosition(this.position); } getPosition() { return this.position; } close() { = 0, = -1, this._show = !1; } show() { = 999, = 1, this._show = !0; } destroy() { this.RemoveCallback(), this.close(), this._viewer.container.removeChild(this.element); } } const j = { props: { position: { type: Object, default: () => ({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }) }, // x y z offset: { type: Array, default: () => [0, 0] }, // 偏移量 x y scale: { type: Array, default: () => [1e3, 1, 1e4, 0.2] }, // 缩放scale 距离比例 condition: { type: Array, default: () => [0, 11e3] }, visibility: { type: Boolean } // 控制展示影藏 }, model: { prop: "visibility", event: "change" }, inject: { viewer: { default: () => { } } }, data() { return { prompt: void 0 }; }, computed: { viewerInject: function() { if (this.viewer) return this.viewer(); }, status: { get: function() { return this.visibility; }, set: function(t) { this.prompt && this.$emit("change", t); } } }, async mounted() { const { _preloader: t } = window.Cesium, i = t ? await t : window.Cesium; this.prompt = new N({ viewer: this.viewerInject, element: this.$refs.popup, show: this.visibility, position: this.position, pixelOffset: new i.Cartesian2(...this.offset), scaleByDistance: new i.NearFarScalar(...this.scale), // 距离缩放 distanceDisplayCondition: new i.DistanceDisplayCondition(...this.condition) // 显示条件 物体得在这个高度上 }); }, watch: { status: function(t) { t ? : this.prompt.close(); }, position: function(t) { this.prompt && this.prompt.setPosition(t); } }, destroyed() { this.prompt && this.prompt.destroy(); } }; var z = function() { var i = this, e = i._self._c; return e("div", { ref: "popup", staticClass: "cc-popup" }, [this.viewer ? i._t("default") : i._e()], 2); }, F = [], H = /* @__PURE__ */ v( j, z, F, !1, null, null, null, null ); const G = H.exports; const U = { props: { visibility: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }, width: { type: Number, default: 300 } }, computed: { vi: { get() { return this.visibility; }, set(t) { this.$emit("update:visibility"); } } }, data() { return { w: 0, zIndex: -1 }; }, watch: { vi: { handler: function(t) { t ? (this.w = this.width, this.zIndex = 10) : (this.w = 0, this.zIndex = -1); }, immediate: !0 } } }; var q = function() { var i = this, e = i._self._c; return e("div", { staticClass: "cc-draw", style: { width: `${i.w}px`, zIndex: `${i.zIndex}` } }, [i._t("default")], 2); }, Y = [], J = /* @__PURE__ */ v( U, q, Y, !1, null, null, null, null ); const X = J.exports, K = (t, i) => { const { cesiumPath: e } = i; t.prototype.$Cesium = () => ({ cesiumPath: e }), t.component("SmBim", _), t.component("Bim", R), t.component("Popup", G), t.component("DrawWindow", X); }; export { R as Bim, X as DrawWindow, G as Popup, _ as SmBim, K as install };